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Increase Your Order Value With Smart Upsells

Personalize product recommendations, customize upsell offers, increase AOV, and boost sales with our all-in-one WooCommerce Upsell plugin.

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7 Best WooCommerce Upsell Plugins to Increase Your AOV (2024)

7 Best WooCommerce Upsell Plugins

Which WooCommerce upsell plugin is best?

There are plenty of choices that can make it tough to decide. We’ve hand-picked 5 best upsell plugins for WooCommerce that will let you create and manage upselling offers on your online store – no matter what kind of upselling strategy you want to use.

Upselling helps you to increase the average order value by strategically suggesting additional products to the customers. It can gradually raise your revenue by encouraging shoppers to purchase more expensive items or add-ons that complement their original buy.

The truth is in the numbers too. A research from Bdow states that, 70-95% of revenue is generated by upsells which is a huge profit.

Read further to know the best upselling plugins for WooCommerce and choose the right one for your business. Let’s get started.

What is a WooCommerce Upsell Plugin?

WooCommerce Upsell Plugin allows you to create and suggest upsell offers on your WooCommerce store. These suggestions are made at various stages of the customer’s buying journey, typically on product pages, during the checkout process, or even on the cart page.

The default WooCommerce upsell set up does offer basic upsell functionalities, but those are somewhat limited. Default settings lack in-depth customization, no A/B testing, no data analytics, limited fields, and limited suggestion methods.

Thus, a best upsell plugin for woocommerce will resolve all these limitations and improve the effectiveness of upselling when compared to WooCommerce’s default setup.

How to Choose the Best Upsell Plugins for WooCommerce

For those businesses that are running their online shops on WooCommerce, choosing the best WooCommerce plugin for Upsells can really boost average order value and enhance the customer’s shopping experience. What matters most are the key factors here:

  • Easy Setup and Configuration

Look for WooCommerce upsell plugins that are easy to install and configure. The configuration should be easy so that your upsells launch right away, not with the headache of technical support.

  • Easy integration with WooCommerce

The best upsell plugins should integrate well with WooCommerce. This would mean that all product information, customer details, and order information will be synchronized without requiring any further action on your part.

  • Customization Options

Go for a WooCommerce plugin with more options to customize upsells. You must be able to adjust upsell offerings to fit your store’s branding and customer preference. This, in turn, means flexibility in design and functionality should be considered important.

  • User-Friendly Interface

An easy-to-use interface of a WooCommerce upsell plugin for creating, managing, and tracking upsell campaigns is necessary. Time-saving drag-and-drop builders and pre-designed templates will be of great help.

  • Performance and Speed

Also, make sure that the WooCommerce plugin for upsells doesn’t make your website slow. A fast site is paramount to any good user experience and ultimately to better conversions.

  • Pricing

Keep in mind the price to be paid for a upsell plugin and ensure that it fits your pocket. While there are free WooCommerce plugins for upsells, there are more advanced features in premium plugins, and better support is given for them.

7 Best WooCommerce Upsell Plugins

The 7 best upsell plugins for woocommerce are:

  1. UpsellWP
  2. FunnelKit Order Bumps
  3. One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce
  4. WooCommerce Product Recommendations
  5. YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together
  6. Cart Upsell for WooCommerce
  7. WooCommerce Product Options
PluginsBest ForPriceFree Version
UpsellWPAll-in-one WooCommerce upsell pluginStart as $69/yearYes
FunnelKit Order BumpsCreating order bump offers at checkoutStarts at $99/yearYes
One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommercePost-purchase upsells and cross-sell offersStarts at $59/yearYes
WooCommerce Product RecommendationsData-driven product recommendationsStarts at $99/yearNo
YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought TogetherShowing products frequently bought togetherStarts at $79/yearYes
Cart Upsell for WooCommerceCart page upsell offersStarts at $29/yearNo
WooCommerce Product OptionAdding customizable options to productsStarts at $99/yearNo

Let’s look at each of these upsell plugins for WooCommerce one by one in-detail to help you understand their unique features, benefits, and why we chose each.

1. UpsellWP

UpsellWP - WooCommerce Upsell Plugin

UpsellWP is the best upsell plugin for WooCommerce that lets you create one-click upsell offers at various stages of the buying process, including the cart, checkout, and even after purchase. These strategic placements increase your AOV and ensure that your customers are constantly attracted by the additional orderbump offers, nudging them to spend more.

Moreover, UpsellWP is considered as the best free woocommerce upsell plugin as it offers multiple, powerful features to boost your sales effectively.

Key Features of UpsellWP:

  • Checkout Upsells: Present irresistible order bumps at the checkout page to encourage last-minute additions.
  • Post-Purchase Upsells: Offer complementary products or upgrades after the customer has placed their order.
  • Cart Upsells: Suggest relevant upsells right when the customer is reviewing their cart contents on the cart page.
  • Frequently Bought Together: Display related products or frequently bought upsells on product pages, similar to Amazon’s recommendations.
  • Double the Order: Give customers the option to double their order quantity with a single click easily.
  • Upsell Popups: Grab attention with eye-catching pop-ups showcasing upsell offers at strategic points in the checkout process.
  • Product Add-ons: Integrate upsell items as optional add-ons directly on the product page or in the cart.
  • Thank You Page Upsells: Don’t let the checkout be the end! Offer additional deals on the thank you page to keep the buying momentum going.
  • Next Order Coupons: Incentivize future purchases by providing coupons for the next order on the thank you page or via email.
  • Multiple Upsell Locations: Showcase upsell offers on the cart page, checkout page, product page, thank you page, and even post-purchase popups.
  • One-Click Upselling and Cross-selling: With this upsell woocommerce plugin, you can create a seamless buying experience with just a single click to add upsell items to the cart.
  • Conditional Offers: Target specific customer groups and personalize offers based on cart contents, purchase history, order value, and more.
  • Customizable Templates: Design unique and eye-catching upsell and cross-sell offers with customizable templates for headings, backgrounds, text, and calls to action.
  • A/B Testing: Optimize your upsell campaigns for maximum conversions with A/B testing to identify the most effective offers.
  • Unlimited Campaigns: Create as many upsell campaigns as you need to cater to different product categories, customer segments, and promotional goals.
  • Advanced Analytics: Track the performance of your upsell campaigns with detailed analytics to measure their impact on sales and average order value.

Why did we Choose UpsellWP?

We chose UpsellWP for its comprehensive features, flexible upselling and cross-selling options and powerful targeting capabilities. We consider UpsellWP as the best upsell plugin for WooCommerce store owners who want to:

  • Increase Average Order Value: UpsellWP helps you convince customers to spend more by presenting tempting deals at the right time.
  • Boost Conversions: Make the checkout process more engaging and persuasive, leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Personalize the Customer Experience: Tailor upsell offers to individual customer needs and preferences for better engagement.
  • Refine Your Sales Strategy: Gain valuable insights from UpsellWP’s analytics to refine your upsell campaigns for maximum impact.

Suggest upsell offers during checkout, on the product or cart pages with UpsellWP’s easy-to-use upsell campaigns.

2. FunnelKit Order Bumps

FunnelKit Order Bumps

FunnelKit is a popular upsell plugin for woocommerce. It lets you create irresistible “order bumps” – small, enticing offers presented on the checkout page.

With FunnelKit Order Bumps, you can customize these offers, set trigger rules based on cart contents, and even offer discounts to sweeten the deal.

But this upsell woocommerce plugin doesn’t stop there. It offers one-click upsells that appear after purchase, letting customers add on additional items with a single click (no re-entering payment details!).

Key Features of FunnelKit Order Bumps:

  • Easy Integration: Quickly integrates with your WooCommerce checkout flow, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Customizable Offers: Provides extensive customization options for the appearance and timing of order bumps to align with your store’s design and sales strategy.
  • Targeted Display Rules: Utilize advanced display rules to show offers based on products in cart, cart total, user’s geographical location, and more.
  • Performance Tracking: Comes with built-in analytics to monitor how well your order bumps are performing, helping you make data-driven decisions to maximize sales.

Why Did We Choose FunnelKit Order Bumps?

We chose FunnelKit Order Bumps for its robust functionality and user-friendly interface, which allow store owners to effortlessly create and manage effective upsells. Its flexibility in customization and targeting makes it a standout choice.

3. One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce

One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce

Living up to its name, One Click Upsell Funnel prioritizes frictionless conversion. Its core focus is creating post-purchase offer pages where customers can instantly snag additional items with a single click.

No lengthy checkout process and no forms to fill – just click and add to their existing order. This streamlines the upselling process, minimizing cart abandonment and maximizing impulse purchases.

One click upsell funnel is also considered as one of the effective free woocommerce upsell plugins providing features like unlimited WordPress funnels, 3 pre-defined templates and more.

Key Features of One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce

  • Post-Purchase Upsells: Enables offers after the customer has completed the checkout, ensuring the initial sale is secure.
  • Easy Offer Customization: Customize your offers with flexible offer pages that can feature a variety of products or bundles.
  • Smart Offer Triggers: Set conditions based on items purchased, cart value, or customer’s purchasing behavior.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrates smoothly with your WooCommerce checkout process, maintaining a consistent user experience without needing page reloads.

Why did we Choose One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce?

One Click Upsell Funnel stands out because it simplifies the upselling process without disrupting the initial customer purchase, a common concern with other upselling techniques.

4. WooCommerce Product Recommendations

WooCommerce Product Recommendations

WooCommerce Product Recommendations is a highly adaptable upsell plugin designed to enhance your online store’s selling strategy by integrating sophisticated product recommendation engines.

This upsell plugin for WooCommerce utilizes your store’s data to suggest relevant products to customers at strategic points throughout their shopping journey, increasing both customer satisfaction and order values.

Key Features of WooCommerce Product Recommendations

  • Smart Upselling and Cross-selling: Set up rules to suggest better or additional products to customers as they shop, helping them find what they might like and increasing your sales.
  • Place Products Smartly: Place recommended products at key spots throughout your online store to grab customer attention and improve their shopping experience.
  • Tailored Recommendations: Use filters and settings to customize which products are suggested, making sure they match what customers are interested in based on what they’re looking at or buying.
  • Recommend Products Everywhere: You can choose to show recommended products in more than 20 different places on your website, including on main pages, product pages, during checkout, and after someone makes a purchase.

Why did we Choose WooCommerce Product Recommendations?

This upsell plugin for WooCommerce was selected for its data-driven approach to enhancing product discoverability and sales on WooCommerce sites.

5. YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together

YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together

YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together is an upsell plugin designed to enhance the average order value by showcasing products that are often bought together.

The benefits are clear: bigger orders, happy customers, and fewer abandoned carts.

YITH also works with other plugins, like popups and email campaigns, to make upselling even smoother. Imagine a popup suggesting the perfect match when someone adds something to their cart or emails with special discounts on complementary products.

Features of YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together:

  • Automatic Related Products Display: Automatically suggests products that are frequently bought together, leveraging historical sales data to show the most relevant product combinations to your customers.
  • Customizable Product Groups: Offers the flexibility to manually create groups of products that should be shown together, ensuring that the combinations are perfectly tailored to your sales strategy.
  • Layout Customization: Provides multiple layout options to showcase the product groups. You can customize how these groups appear on product pages, fitting seamlessly with your store’s design.
  • Discount Offers on Combinations: Allows you to set discounts on combined products to encourage customers to purchase them together. This feature is useful for boosting sales of complementary items.

Why Did We Choose YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together?

We chose YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together for its extensive options for tailoring the appearance and grouping of products, allowing store owners to align the recommendations with their unique brand style and sales goals.

6. Cart Upsell for WooCommerce

Cart upsell for woocommerce

Cart Upsell for WooCommerce is a targeted upsell plugin designed specifically to enhance the shopping cart experience by offering timely upsells.

This plugin helps to maximize revenue opportunities by suggesting complementary or upgraded products to customers at the moment they are most likely to add more to their carts.

Features of Cart Upsell for WooCommerce

  • Fully Customizable: You have the flexibility to set the product title, image, and colors for each upsell product, allowing you to tailor the appearance of upsells to fit the branding and design of your website.
  • Conditions-Based Upselling: Offers can be triggered based on various conditions related to products, categories, and cart totals.
  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates with the WooCommerce environment, maintaining a consistent user experience without requiring significant changes to the existing setup.

Why Did We Choose Cart Upsell for WooCommerce?

We chose Cart Upsell for WooCommerce because of its ability to suggest products based on what’s already in the cart makes it incredibly effective at increasing order values.

7. WooCommerce Product Options 

Woocommerce product options

WooCommerce Product Options is a plugin that has consistently provided comprehensive functionality for tailoring your product selections. Up until now, it’s been all about checkboxes, text fields, and file uploads—pretty cool, right?

With the addition of the ‘Products’ option type, you can seamlessly showcase additional products as selectable options directly on the product page, facilitating convenient upsell opportunities.

This addition represents a game-changer for store owners looking to maximize on strategic WooCommerce upsells. Not only does it streamline the upselling process but also enhances the customer experience by simplifying the discovery of related products, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Key Features of WooCommerce Product Options:-

  • Various product filter options available, including checkboxes, dropdowns, color swatches, and more
  • Customizable filters without coding required
  • Responsive, mobile-friendly design with dedicated style & layout options for different device types
  • Swift AJAX-powered filtering for quick results
  • Excellent support & detailed documentation
  • Compatible with any theme
  • Admin and front-end demos available for testing
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Why Did We Choose WooCommerce Product Options?

We chose WooCommerce Product Options for its comprehensive functionality that significantly simplifies the product customization and upselling process.

Key Strategies to Make Upselling Work for Your WooCommerce Store

Here are some key strategies to turn your WooCommerce store into an upselling powerhouse:

Understand Your Customers

The first step to successful upselling is knowing your audience. Analyze your customer data to understand their purchasing habits, preferences, and pain points. This will help you recommend products that are truly relevant and valuable to them.

Choose the Right Products

Not all products are created equal for upselling. Focus on items that:

  • Complement: Offer accessories, add-ons, or upgrades that enhance the initial purchase. Think phone cases for a new phone or memory cards for a camera.
  • Solve Problems: If you know a customer is likely to face a challenge with their initial purchase, offer a solution. For example, recommend a screen protector with a new phone or a warranty extension for a high-value gadget.
  • Offer Upgrades: For customers who value the best, provide premium versions or higher-end alternatives to their chosen product.

Display Upsells at Right Timing

Don’t bombard your customers with upsells at every step. Choose the right moment to present your offer:

  • Product Pages: Show complementary or upgraded products alongside the main item. Think socks with shoes, batteries with electronics, etc.
  • Cart Page: Offer bundles or discounts for adding specific items to the cart. A “free shipping for orders over $50” deal can work wonders.
  • Checkout Page: This is your last chance to upsell. Consider “order bumps” offering related products at a discounted price or suggesting extended warranties / subscriptions.
  • Post-Purchase Emails: Don’t let the buying process end at checkout. Send targeted emails suggesting accessories, refills, or related products based on their recent purchase.

Make Upsell Offers Easy and Appealing

Present your upsells in a clear and visually appealing way. Use high-quality images, concise descriptions, and clear calls to action. Consider offering discounts or bundles to incentivize the upsell.

A/B Test and Track Your Results

Don’t be afraid to experiment! Try different upsell strategies, placements, and offers. Use analytics tools to track your results and see what resonates with your customers. Adapt and refine your approach based on data to maximize your upselling success.

Upselling Examples to Inspire You:

  • A customer buys a new camera? Upsell them a lens cleaning kit, memory card, or carrying case.
  • Did someone snag a cozy sweater? Suggest a matching scarf or beanie for that extra snuggle factor.
  • Does a gamer add a new console to their cart? Offer them an extra controller, a subscription to their favorite game, or a stylish headset.


Choosing the best WooCommerce upsell plugin depends on your specific needs and budget. Consider factors like feature set, ease of use, pricing, and compatibility with your existing theme and plugins. We recommend trying out the free versions of some plugins before committing to a paid plan.

Remember, successful upselling is about offering valuable and relevant products to your customers. Don’t be pushy or aggressive, and always focus on providing a positive shopping experience.

And for those who want to take their upselling game to the next level, consider UpsellWP.

This upsell plugin for WooCommerce combines all the best upsell techniques in one place, making it a true one-stop shop for boosting your revenue. From order bumps and cross-sells to post-purchase upsells and dynamic pricing, UpsellWP gives you the flexibility and power to create irresistible offers that your customers can’t refuse.

Also read:

How do I choose the right upsell plugin?

Consider your budget, desired features (e.g., one-click upsells, cart bumps, personalized recommendations), and ease of use. Reviews and demos can be helpful in making your decision.

Which plugin is the easiest to use for beginners?

UpsellWP – WooCommerce Upsell Plugin offers a simple interface and intuitive setup for displaying related products.

How do I know which products to upsell?

Analyze your customer data to see which products are frequently purchased together or which upgrades are popular. You can also use upsell plugins that offer smart recommendations based on purchase history and browsing behavior.

What are the common upselling techniques?

The common upselling techniques are:
1. Order bumps
2. Cross-selling
3. One-click upsells
4. Personalized upsells

What is the difference between upselling and cross-selling?

Upselling encourages customers to buy a higher-priced or upgraded version of the product they’re already considering. Cross-selling suggests complementary products that enhance the original purchase.

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