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3 Easy Steps To Add WooCommerce Upsell Popups (2024 Guide)

Easy Steps To Add WooCommerce Upsell Popups

Showing WooCommerce upsell popups won’t be effective if you don’t trigger the popups at the right time when the chances of conversions are high.

You can make immediate conversions and increase the average order value of your store by displaying upsell popups in WooCommerce before the cart page or before checking out.

Research by Epsilon shows that 80% of customers make repeated purchases only when personalized recommendations are displayed which you can also implement in your store by showing upsell popups for WooCommerce.

WooCommerce doesn’t have in-built features to show upsell popups but this challenge can be tackled by integrating a popup plugin.

Here we have picked 3 best upsell popup plugins for WooCommerce and described how to set up WooCommerce upsell popups in your shopping store.

Let’s jump right in.

Encourage customers to make additional purchases by showing customized upsell popups using UpsellWP.

Why Do You Need To Show Upsell Popups In WooCommerce?

Showing upsell popups in WooCommerce has a crucial role in maximizing the average order value by casually suggesting additional products to the customers. Displaying upsell popups is a strategic move for the following reasons,

Increased Profit Margins
Displaying upsell popups encourages customers to purchase the premium version of the current purchase which directly contributes to an increase in the profit margin of your WooCommerce store.

Personalized Shopping Experience
Improve customer’s shopping journey and provide personalized shopping experience by showing related products in WooCommerce based on the customer’s interests and recent purchases.

Immediate Conversions
Make immediate conversions by triggering WooCommerce upselling popups at the right time of the shopping journey when customers are highly receptive to adding items to the cart.

Product Awareness
Through popups, you can introduce new products that may not have been known to the customer. New products often attract customers and the chances of additional purchases are high.

Inventory Management
You can efficiently manage the inventory by selling non-moving or slow-moving products by promoting them on the popup window

Low-key Promotion
Showing popups is not a straightforward promotion but a gentle suggestion from the store’s end. Plus, recommending personalized suggestions attracts customers to purchase more.

How To Add WooCommerce Upsell Popups?

You can add upsell popup in WooCommerce by following these 3 steps.

Step 1: Installation and Activation

  • Go to WordPress dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new plugin.
  • Select upload plugin -> choose file option to upload the downloaded zip file.
  • Once installed, click Activate plugin to activate.

Step 2: Add new WooCommerce ‘Upsell Popups’ campaign

  • Go to UpsellWP -> Campaigns -> Create new campaign.
Creating a WooCommerce upsell popups campaign using UpsellWP
  • Select Upsell Popups and enter the campaign name for reference.
Setting upsell popups in WooCommerce using UpsellWP

Step 3: Choose the trigger option

UpsellWP provides 2 trigger options,

  1. After clicking the ‘Add to cart’ button
  2. After clicking the ‘Proceed to checkout’ button.

Trigger 1: After product added to cart

  • Select After product added to cart.
  • Choose if you want to show popups for ‘All products/Specific products/Specific categories’.
  • For instance, I have chosen ‘All products’ here.
  • You can also select if you want to show popups for ‘Cart products/Recently added products’.
  • For instance, I have chosen ‘Cart products’ here.
Setting popup trigger to ‘After product added to cart’
  • From the products section below, choose the method of product suggestion.
  • For instance, I have chosen ‘upsell products’
  • You can choose any product suggestion method based on your business requirements.

Note: Use these guides to show related products and cross-sell products in the popup window.

Choosing upsell products to suggest in popups
  • Scroll down to the discount field and set the discount type as fixed, percentage, or no discount.
  • Set discount value in the value field.
  • For instance, I have chosen ‘percentage discount’.
Choosing discount type for upsell popups in WooCommerce
  • To change the popup template, click change template.
WooCommerce upsell popup templates
  • Select Edit content/style to customize the content and design of the template.
Edit option to customize the popup template
  • Scroll down to conditions and select the conditions based on cart, purchase history, user, or date & time.
Setting conditions for upsell popups
  • For instance, I have set the condition to ‘Products in the cart’.

Note: You can set any conditions.

Setting condition as ‘Products in the cart’
  • Scroll up to the Optional settings to set priority and from & to date of the campaign.

This is totally optional which you can set based on your WooCommerce store’s need.

Setting priority and from & to date of the upsell popup campaign
  • Now click Save & Close.
Displaying upsell popups in WooCommerce after clicking the add to cart button

This way, you can show upsell popups after clicking the add to cart button.

Increase your customer’s cart size by triggering upsell popups just before the cart page and checkout page using UpsellWP.

Trigger 2: Click ‘Proceed to checkout’ button

  • Select Click ‘Proceed to checkout’ button.
  • In the products section, choose Use upsell products.
Choosing trigger and product suggestion method for popups
  • Now set the discounts, edit template content, and add conditions.

This step is similar to the one we have seen in trigger 1.

Setting discount, editing template, and adding conditions for upsell popups
  • Scroll up to Optional settings and follow the steps used in trigger 1.
  • Now, Save & Close.
Displaying upsell popups after clicking proceed to checkout button

This way, you can display WooCommerce upselling popups after clicking ‘Proceed to checkout’ button.

3 Best WooCommerce Upsell Popup Plugins

These 3 best upsell popup extensions for WooCommerce assure an increase in the cart value of your online store.

1. UpsellWP

Plugin page of UpsellWP

UpsellWP provides fully customizable WooCommerce upsell popup features that let you improve both your customer’s shopping experience and your store’s revenue.

Offer a variety of purchasing choices to your customers by showing multiple upsell product add-ons. You can create targeted upsell popups in WooCommerce for different customer segments.

It provides advanced popup settings and configurations that let you design a personalized popup window based on your brand color and voice. You can also use condition options to set specific times and dates to show popups.

This plugin comes with a unique side cart feature with which you can allow customers to make additional purchases and checkout in one click from the shop or product page.

It is available in both paid and free versions.

2. Iconic Sales Booster for WooCommerce

Product page of Iconic Sales Booster for WooCommerce

Iconic Sales Booster For WooCommerce is another upsell popup software for WooCommerce providing a simple admin interface to set up and manage the upsell popups.

Using this plugin, you can encourage customers to purchase related products after their current purchase in just one click by showing post-purchase popups.

With this plugin’s WooCommerce upsell popup features, you can retain customers by displaying upsells or cross-sells right before the customer is about to leave your store.

You can also show order bumps on the checkout page to increase the average order value of your store.

It is available only in the paid version.

3. Cart upsell for WooCommerce

Product page of Cart upsell for WooCommerce

Cart Upsell For WooCommerce integrates smoothly with your WooCommerce store and lets you recommend upsells, cross-sells, relevant products, or specific products in the popup window.

You can set upsell popups for WooCommerce to show specific products based on product type, category, and cart total. You can also customize the design, layout, and content of the popup.

This WooCommerce upsell popup tool allows you to set time-specific upsell offers and drive customers to make immediate purchases.

Both free and paid plans are available.

Best Practices For Adding WooCommerce Upsell Popups

Here, we’ve listed down some best practices for adding upsell popups in WooCommerce.

Personalized Recommendations

  • Use customer’s recent purchase history and interests to show personalized upsell and cross-sell products in the popups.
  • Ensure the recommendations are relevant to current views or current purchases of the customer as it encourages additional purchases.

Cart Size Management

  • Allow customers to increase or decrease the product quantity directly from the popup window.
  • Provide necessary icons to add or remove the products from the popup.

Easy Navigation

  • Enhance your customer’s shopping experience by providing a direct option to accept or decline the popup offer.
  • If the popup offer is declined by the customer, redirect them directly to the checkout page without any hindrance.

Manage Popup Frequency

  • Set limits on how often and where to display popups as overexposure can lead to customer frustration and cart abandonments.
  • Show upselling popups just before the cart page or checkout page when the chances of additional purchases are high.

Appealing Popup Design

  • Customize the popup template by adding visually appealing and engaging elements to resonate with your brand’s tone.
  • Provide clear product images, headlines, and CTA in the popup window.

Mobile Responsiveness

  • Optimize the upsell popups for the mobile view as many customers browse online stores through it.
  • Ensure the buttons, forms, and links are neatly spaced and are compatible with mobile view.

By implementing these best strategies in your upsell popups, you can see a significant increase in your WooCommerce store’s cart value and customer lifetime value.

Personalize customer’s shopping journey by suggesting related products in the upsell popup window using UpsellWP.


Now that you know how to set up WooCommerce upsell popups, you can increase the cart value of your online store by showing upsell popups and allowing customers to add them to the cart in one click.

Using any one of the best WooCommerce upsell popup plugins that we discussed earlier, you can provide personalized product recommendations and enhance your customer’s shopping journey.

Use the following guides to learn more about upsells and cross-sells

What is Upsell popups?

Upsell popup is a sales strategy where related complementary products based on the customer’s current purchase are displayed to encourage additional purchases.

What is instant upsell?

Instant upsell is a marketing tactic where the premium or upgraded version of the current product is suggested immediately after the customer adds a product to the cart or proceeds to checkout.

How to show upsell products in WooCommerce?

To show upsell products in WooCommerce,
1. Go to WordPress dashboard -> Products
2. Click the product for which you want to add upsells
3. Scroll down to ‘Product data’ and select ‘Linked products’
4. In the upsells field, enter the name of the products you want to show as upsells
5. Scroll up and click ‘Update’ to save changes.

Can I customize the design of upsell popups?

Yes, you can customize the design of the upsell popup using UpsellWP in your WooCommerce store. You can personalize the Title text, CTA text, layout, color, and style of the popup.

How do I remove upsell products from WooCommerce?

To remove upsell products from WooCommerce,
1. Go to WordPress dashboard -> Products
2. Click the product for which you want to remove upsells
3. Scroll down to ‘Product date’ and select ‘Linked products’
4. In the upsells field, click the ‘close icon’ near the product name you set earlier.
5. Scroll up and click ‘Update’ to save changes.

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